I am a researcher at Cohere currently leading the post-training team (Command), and working group co-chair for Dynabench at MLCommons. My PhD, under the supervision of Pontus Stenetorp and Sebastian Riedel with the UCL NLP group focused on the adversarial robustness of Language Models with humans and models in the loop. I have a Masters degree from the UCL Department of Computer Science and a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malta.

The focus of my research lies at the intersection of Large Language Model (LLM) robustness and reasoning. Previously, I developed and taught the MSIN0221 Natural Language Processing module at the UCL SoM. I interned at DeepMind with Po-Sen Huang and Johannes Welbl. I have also collaborated with Facebook AI Research (FAIR) under the guidance of Douwe Kiela and Robin Jia on dynamic adversarial data collection, improving model robustness and using generative assistants to improve annotation. I also worked as a Machine Learning Engineer at Bloomsbury AI.


Joined Tom Hosking at the ICLR ‘24 poster session for our Human Feedback is Not Gold Standard work. Thanks for all the interest!


Presented Human Feedback is Not Gold Standard at the Amazon Themis Science Meeting.


Presented Human Feedback is Not Gold Standard at the nPlan Machine Learning Paper Club.


Gave an invited talk on the application of LLMs for Enterprise at the Oracle AI@Molitor event.


Gave a talk on NLP Applications and Large Language Models to the Capital Enterprise startup network.


Honoured to have been nominated by my students for the UCL Inspiring Teaching Delivery award 🙏


That’s a wrap! Another year of the MSIN0221 Natural Language Processing lectures comes to an end. Exciting to see the growing interest in NLP and its application!


Gave an invited talk on Dynamic Advsersarial Data Collection for Large Language Models at the UCL AI Centre seminar on The Present and Future of Large Language Models in Theory and Practice.


Presented recent work on DADC and GAAs at the King’s College London Distributed Artificial Intelligence group. Thanks for the insightful discussions!


Super excited to announce that I have joined Cohere and will be working on making large language models more useful and robust.


I’m in Seattle for NAACL 2022! I’ll be presenting Models in the Loop: Aiding Crowdworkers with Generative Annotation Assistants on Wednesday, 13th July at 10:45 PST. And don’t forget to join us at the DADC workshop on Thursday, 14th July for same amazing keynote talks, a diverse panel, presentations from our Shared Task participants and best paper winners, posters, prizes & much more!


Our work Fantastically Ordered Prompts and Where to Find Them: Overcoming Few-Shot Prompt Order Sensitivity has been selected as an outstanding paper at ACL 2022!

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